Dementia Awareness Month

Did you know that dementia is now the second leading cause of death in Australia, and is the leading cause of death for women? Become involved in Dementia Awareness Month.

Dementia is not just one illness, but rather is described by Dementia Australia as the progressive decline in a person’s functioning that may result in a loss of memory, rationality, social skills or physical functioning. It is a broad term and there are many types of dementia.

Dementia mostly affects people over age 80 but can also be experienced at a younger age. Every three seconds someone in the world develops dementia. In Australia there are around 250 new cases every day, with 30% of Australians over age 85 experiencing dementia.

Caring for someone with advanced signs of dementia can be difficult and the carers need lots of support. In the advanced stages, more specialised care and a move into a residential care service may be needed.

Each year in September, Dementia Australia run Dementia Awareness Month to encourage greater awareness and understanding of dementia. The focus this year is on Small actions Big difference with the key message that we can all take small actions to create big differences for the people impacted by dementia as well as their families and carers.

Contact Dementia Australia to become involved or find out more about the resources available to help people experiencing dementia or the people who are close to them.
