You can break the pay-to-pay cycle
Now and then, Jodi borrowed $100 from her parents. She’s good for it, and always paid it back, but her situation was not uncommon. 5.9 million Australians live pay-to-pay A
Now and then, Jodi borrowed $100 from her parents. She’s good for it, and always paid it back, but her situation was not uncommon. 5.9 million Australians live pay-to-pay A
Post-pandemic economic shrinkages coupled with the Russian invasion of Ukraine in early 2022 have seen inflation spike to the highest level since the Great Inflation of the 1970s. This
Applying for a home loan can take on almost mystical proportions, with most Australians unsure of just how much money they can borrow. As a result, they often make the
To stem its then soaring population growth rate, which was widely believed to be crippling economic development, China introduced the draconian ‘one child policy’ in 1979 – a move now
The price of a lowly head of lettuce has never been a recognised barometer of the strength of the Australian economy, that is until the media started reporting iceberg lettuces
Here is a recent artcile from Shane Oliver from AMP Capital on key things for investors to keep in mind during times of market uncertainty.
Most people didn’t get to learn about financial literacy when they were kids, but thanks to Netwealth and Banqer, over 64,000 children in Australia have received financial education through Banqer
While we understand banks charge interest on their home loans, exactly what determines the rate? Should we be worried that interest rates will spike higher in the years ahead?
Investment and portfolio building has traditionally been a male-dominated world, but these days more women are trading on the market – and they’re good at it! According to an ASX
We are proud to announce the next episodes in our general Financial Literacy Education Series are now available. Episode 6 covers Gearing and Episode 7 covers Superannuation and Gearing. Keep
The end of another financial year is looming, and with that may come thoughts about your tax return and how your wealth has tracked throughout the year. Whether you’re
Changes to super contribution rules from 1 July may create a great opportunity to revisit your savings and super contribution strategies. The changes may create new or enhanced options to
The information contained within this site has been prepared by Priority1 Wealth Management Group Pty Ltd. Priority1 Wealth Management Group Pty Ltd is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Priority1 Wealth Management Group (Australia) Pty Ltd (AFSL 324472). It contains general advice only and has been prepared without taking into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any individual. Priority1 has endeavoured to keep all information current and accurate, however you should speak with a Priority1 advisor before making any financial decisions. Do not act on the information within this site alone, as the decisions you make may not be appropriate to your personal goals and objectives, and you may not be aware of the risks you are taking.