Time to review household debt
Fuelled by rising house prices and low interest rates, the level of personal debt in Australia is relatively high compared to many other countries.i The largest proportion of this debt
Fuelled by rising house prices and low interest rates, the level of personal debt in Australia is relatively high compared to many other countries.i The largest proportion of this debt
If you have made a personal contribution in the last financial year and wish to claim it as a tax-deduction you will need to complete a valid Notice of Intent
Most people want to remain independent throughout retirement and to stay in control of where and how they live. But your ability to do so may depend on your
Visit our eBook download page to find FPA’s Money & Life How to talk money with children for ideas and activities to help kids and teens grasp the value of money
Whether it’s due to over-enthusiastic lenders or desperate borrowers, failure to adhere to robust lending standards can land some borrowers in serious financial distress. In many cases the difficulties
More than 45% of Australians don’t have a valid Will. If you die without one, your hard-earned wealth (your estate) will be distributed according to the rules of intestacy
Many grandparents want to give their grandchildren a head start in life, and a common way to do so is to help by paying some (or all) of their school
Do you have a twelve-a-day habit? We’re talking seated hours, not cigarettes, although recent studies indicate that sitting too much and moving too little can be just as bad
Superannuation statements. Boring, right? But if, like many people, you toss your annual super statement in a drawer or hit delete, you could be depriving yourself of many thousands
At what point does the amount of ‘stuff’ we have in our lives start becoming problematic? Spending the entire day organising his garage instead of playing in the backyard with
Currently 1.8 million Australian homeowners receive some level of age pension, with around 700,000 on a part pension. What many of these part-age pensioners may not know is that, along
If retirement is something you are starting to think about, now is the time to put a plan together to ensure that you achieve the satisfying and meaningful retirement that
The information contained within this site has been prepared by Priority1 Wealth Management Group Pty Ltd. Priority1 Wealth Management Group Pty Ltd is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Priority1 Wealth Management Group (Australia) Pty Ltd (AFSL 324472). It contains general advice only and has been prepared without taking into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any individual. Priority1 has endeavoured to keep all information current and accurate, however you should speak with a Priority1 advisor before making any financial decisions. Do not act on the information within this site alone, as the decisions you make may not be appropriate to your personal goals and objectives, and you may not be aware of the risks you are taking.